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The 11th March 2024 marks the fourth anniversary of Alain’s father, Michel’s passing, a victim of a progressive, incurable lung disease called “pulmonary fibrosis”.  This dreadful condition kills more than 6,000 people in UK every year, yet until his diagnosis, three years earlier, in common with many, I knew nothing about it.  Watching helplessly, as my irrepressible father faded away was the toughest six months of my life.  Last year, I took little persuading to accept an invitation to become Patron of the Pulmonary Fibrosis Trust.

Please join us in our efforts to support Chairman and sufferer, Peter Bryce and his team in their phenomenal efforts to support victims and their families.  In the clamour for the charity spotlight, with so many worthwhile causes vying for our attention, the Trust struggles more than most”.

Throughout the month of March, we will be adding an optional charge of £5.00 to every bill for #pulmonaryfibrosistrust  All proceeds will be directed to the Trust.  If you would rather not contribute – or if you’d like to give more – please just say so!  Your £5.00 will contribute to the valuable work being done by the Trust, throughout the UK, to improve the lives of sufferers and their families, raise awareness, research treatments and find a cure.